NFC-enabled: Yes
Authentication Methods: Passwordless, Strong Two Factor, Strong Multi-Factor
Identity & Access Management: AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), Centrify, Duo Security, Google Cloud Identity, Microsoft Azure AD, Okta, Ping Identity
Productivity & Communication: Google Account, Microsoft account, Salesforce.com
Password Managers: 1Password, Dashlane Premium, Keeper®
Function: WebAuthn, FIDO2 CTAP1, FIDO2 CTAP2, Universal 2nd Factor (U2F)
Certifications: FIDO 2 Certified, FIDO Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) Certified
Cryptographic Specifications: ECC p256
Design & Durability: Water Resistant, Crush Resistant, No Batteries Required, No Moving Parts
Device Type: FIDO HID Device
Manufacturing: Made in USA and Sweden
NFC-enabled: Yes
Authentication Methods: Passwordless, Strong Two Factor, Strong Multi-Factor
Identity & Access Management: AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), Centrify, Duo Security, Google Cloud Identity, Microsoft Azure AD, Okta, Ping Identity
Productivity & Communication: Google Account, Microsoft account, Salesforce.com
Password Managers: 1Password, Dashlane Premium, Keeper®
Function: WebAuthn, FIDO2 CTAP1, FIDO2 CTAP2, Universal 2nd Factor (U2F)
Certifications: FIDO 2 Certified, FIDO Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) Certified
Cryptographic Specifications: ECC p256
Design & Durability: Water Resistant, Crush Resistant, No Batteries Required, No Moving Parts
Device Type: FIDO HID Device
Manufacturing: Made in USA and Sweden