Ubiquiti ART-211641
UA-G3-Flex-W EAN
Articolo aggiunto con successo.

Ubiquiti - UA-G3-Flex-W - UniFi NFC card reader with a keypad and Apple Touch Pass support, Provides entry and exit greeting messages, IP55-rated weather resistance (-30 to 60°C), Connects to UniFi Access Hub via PoE

Codice: ART-211641 EAN: - MPN: UA-G3-Flex-W


Lettore di schede NFC di terza generazione con tastierino e supporto per Apple Touch Pass.

  • Sblocco con tastiera, scheda NFC, app mobile UniFi Identity o Touch Pass
  • Fornisce messaggi di saluto di entrata e uscita
  • Prestazioni del pulsante (utilizzabile con l'umidità o con la maggior parte dei guanti)
  • Resistenza agli agenti atmosferici con grado IP55 (da -30 a 60°C)
  • Si collega all'hub di accesso UniFi tramite PoE

Licenze & Accessori

Ubiquiti - USW-Mission-Critical-EU - UniFi x4 GbE PoE+, x4 GbE PoE++ ports, x1 GbE port, x2 230V AC outputs and total available PoE 120W

Ubiquiti - UA-Lock-Electric - Fail-secure electric strike lock that connects to a UniFi Access Hub, Holds up to 1,200 kg (2,645 lb)

Ubiquiti - UA-Lock-Magnetic-540kg - Fail-safe magnetic lock for inswing and outswing doors that connects to a UniFi Access Hub, Holds up to 270 kg or 540 kg (600-1,200 lb)

Ubiquiti - UA-Hub-Door-EU - UniFi single-door mechanism with entry and exit control, (2) Lock terminals (12V and Dry, (2) AUX terminals for an external siren and automatic door opener, (4) Additional inputs (sensors and buttons), Connect and power using PoE++

Ubiquiti - UA-G3-Flex-B - UniFi NFC card reader with a keypad and Apple Touch Pass support, Provides entry and exit greeting messages, IP55-rated weather resistance (-30 to 60°C), Connects to UniFi Access Hub via PoE

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