HL31-L08EU-868M EAN
Articolo aggiunto con successo.

Milesight - Industrial-grade Quad-core CPU with ARM Cortex-A35 Processor, Providing High Performance for Data Transmission 1 * 10/100Mbps Support up to 200 End-node Connections Equipped with Wi-Fi for Web GUI Configuration Supports Data Rates up to 32 Mbps and Sight up to 1 km, Which is Suitable for IoT Sensors and Picture Camera Applications Multi-backhaul Backups with Ethernet and Cellular (4G) Function Well with Standard Wi-Fi HaLow Sensors IP30 Rated Optional: Cellular (2G & 3G & 4G)

Codice: ART-202408 EAN: - MPN: HL31-L08EU-868M
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